United States of America

Antoine Picon

About author

A former student of the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts and Chaussées, Antoine Picon is an architect D.P.L.G., doctor and qualified in history. He is director of research at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. He is also President of the Le Corbusier Foundation, a member of the Académie des Technologies and an associate member of the Académie d’Architecture. He has published numerous articles and books on the history of engineers and on the history of architecture and the city. He has also made a series of contributions to the history of of utopias. His latest books focus on the impact of the digital revolution on architecture and the city. He is the author of French Architects and Engineers in the Age of Enlightenment (1992), Claude Perrault (1988), L’Invention de l’ingénieur moderne (1992), La Ville territoire des cyborgs (1998), Les Saint-simoniens (2002), Culture numérique et architecture (2010), Ornament: The Politics of Architecture and Subjectivity (2013), Smart cities: Théorie et critique d’un idéal auto-réalisateur (2013), Smart Cities: A Spatialised Intelligence (2015), La Matérialité de l’architecture (2018).

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