United States of America


Data processing

When you make a purchase, some of the information you provide is used to process your order. The other information we collect helps us to better understand our customers and improve our website services. Statistical analysis of this information is based on aggregated data and not on personal information.

Compliance with laws and regulations

Customer files and any automatic and manual data processing operations are dealt with in accordance with applicable standards and legislation. All of our website users have the right to access and correct their personal data, in accordance with the relevant Swiss and European laws. To do this, simply log in to your account or contact us.

Cookie policy

Our website uses cookies to save information. This information may then be used for placing an order, generating user statistics, and to offer products and services based on your previous visits. A notification message will ask visitors beforehand whether they wish to accept cookies; you may of course refuse this. You can also manage your browser settings at any time to accept or refuse cookies from our website. Our cookies contain no confidential information about our website visitors.
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