Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
Creativity & Art Neuroscientific and Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Andreas Steck is a Swiss professor of neurology, and his co-author and partner, Barbara Steck, a psychoanalyst and lecturer in child and adolescent psychiatry, yet this book is that rare thing – a scientifically grounded study that does not seek to explain art.
The authors discuss in an interdisciplinary approach creative processes in art from a neuroscientific and psychoanalytic perspective. By referring to the current knowledge of brain sciences, the understanding of the neural bases innate to the creation of artworks is explored. Historical aspects of aesthetic experience and creation in ancient and modern times are addressed. Numerous artists of various fields are presented with emphasis on how their subjective lived experiences of critical life events are expressed and reflected in their artwork. Building blocks of creativity in early childhood development are described and psychoanalytic understanding of human aesthetic experience and creativity is discussed. The book is aimed at a large audience.
Publisher: EPFL Press English Imprint
Published: 23 june 2021
Edition: 1st edition
Media: Book
Pages count Book: 292
Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240
Weight (in grammes): 560
Language(s): English
EAN13 Book: 9782889154234
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