The study electrochemistry is pertinent to a wide variety of fields, including bioenergetics, environmental sciences, and engineering sciences. In addition, electrochemistry plays a fundamental role in specific applications as diverse as the conversion and storage of energy and the sequencing of DNA.Intended both as a basic course for undergraduate students and as a reference work for graduates and researchers, this book covers two fundamental aspects of electrochemistry: electrochemistry in solution and interfacial electrochemistry. By bringing these two subjects together into a single volume, the author clearly establishes the links between the physical foundation and the analytical applications of electrochemistry. The philosophy of this book has been to publish all the mathematical derivations in detail, allowing the reader, if he so desires, to follow the calculations that lead to the main results. With this rigorous approach, the author has provided a book of reference constructed from first principles. In this respect, the nomenclature and standards of the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) are observed.
Publisher: EPFL Press English Imprint
Collection: Chemistry
Published: 2 august 2004
Edition: 1st edition
Media: Book
Pages count Book: 450
Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240
Weight (in grammes): 1100
Language(s): English
EAN13 Book: 9782940222032
251,18 €
251,18 €